To gain access to the member pages in the dropdown menu, one must do one of three things. One; back my Kickstarter while it is up and running. Two; become a member of my Patreon. Three; sign up below.

Upon becoming a member, you will be given a code that can be entered to access your respective channels. For the sake of security, the codes to each member channel will be changed every month. If for some reason you don’t receive the password, please reach out to me on Patreon or Discord and the issue will be resolved.

Every month
Every year

Are you an average Joe looking to support my projects? Well, maybe don't spend your money here. After all, rent is due soon. However, if you feel like it, feel free to support me in my endeavors. It's very appreciated!

✓ Early access to the game 3 days before public release
✓ Get access sneak peeks of future releases
✓ Get bonus renders of future updates
✓ Gain access to exclusive polls
✓ Discord access with the Joe role
Every month
Every year

Villains make more money than heroes. Which is why this tier costs more. If you can't afford to pay for this tier, that's alright. Embrace your villainy and rob a bank. Or pay your rent. Again, that's more important.

✓ All Paragon of Peace rewards
✓ Early access to the game 10 days before public release
✓ Get your name in the credits, monthly NSFW Wallpapers, etc
✓ Request scenes, characters, etc. to appear in the game
✓ Discord access with the Shinigami role
Every month
Every year

It is because of kind people like you that this project is created. It is because of your generosity that this story continues to come to life. As such, you hold the power of life and creation. Even if you only consider choosing this option, thank you.

✓ All Man Mills rewards
✓ Early access to the game alongside beta testers
✓ Get your own side character featured in some capacity
✓ Get a custom animation/month (3 girls max/30secs max)
✓ Discord access with the Izanagi role
Man Mills
Every month
Every year

YOU ARE MAN MILLS!!!! If you've gone to this length to support me and the game, then you deserve your own slice of pie. You rule the show! (Not really, but I Love You)

✓ All Shinigami rewards
✓ Early access to the game 14 days before public release
✓ Suggest the girl/setting/theme of the next monthly Wallpaper
✓ Access to private calls with me while I work on the game
✓ Discord access with the Man Mills role
Every month
Every year

If you pick this one, you will officially be AWESOME. Whether your friends, mom, or non-existent boyfriend/girlfriend say you are or not, you won't be Awesome till you get this. (Even though you're totally already awesome).

✓ All Joe rewards
✓ Early access to the game 7 days before public release
✓ Gain access to monthly SFW Wallpapers
✓ Access to the main girls' character cards
✓ Discord access with the Awesome role

Make a donation.

If you don’t want to subscribe, but still want to show support, feel free to do so. It means a lot